UAE reveals the registration deadline date for graduate diplomas in education

Omar Abbas - | Mix

The Emirates College for Educational Development has extended the registration deadline for its prestigious graduate diploma programs aimed at university graduates and education college alumni.

These programs, tailored for those aspiring to enhance their practical educational skills, offer substantial benefits, including full scholarships and improved career prospects.

Program Overview

Two specialized graduate diploma programs are available at the college: the "Graduate Diploma in Education for the Pre-service Secondary Stage" and the "Graduate Diploma in Education for the Early Years and Primary Pre-Service Stage." These courses are designed especially for driven recent graduates who want to go into teaching but don't have any teaching experience. They are designed to offer an all-encompassing combination of theoretical, practical, and research-based knowledge that is necessary for professional development in the field of education.

There are two types of graduate diplomas in education: the "Graduate Diploma in Education for the Pre-service Secondary Stage" has 25 study units, and the "Graduate Diploma in Education for the Early Years and Primary Pre-Service Stage" has 28. With 60% practical education and 40% theoretical teaching, these programs place an emphasis on a balanced approach. An educational framework of this kind seeks to enhance the abilities of aspiring teachers and adequately equip them for the challenges of the UAE's educational system.

The college prides itself on integrating cutting-edge research and international best practices into its curriculum design. This approach ensures that graduates not only meet current educational standards but also contribute innovatively to the future of education in the country.

In addition to academic rigor, the college offers full scholarships to support students financially and enhance job opportunities within the education sector. This initiative underscores the institution's commitment to fostering a skilled workforce capable of shaping the future of education in the UAE.

Interested individuals are encouraged to seize this opportunity by registering before the extended deadline of June 23, 2024. For further information and enrollment, prospective students can contact the academic support office at the college via phone at 025099833 or email at [email protected].

Academic Programs Offered

The Emirates College for Educational Development provides a wide array of accredited educational tracks and specializations, including graduate and doctoral degrees, alongside professional diploma programs. These programs are developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Department of Education and Knowledge and are delivered by a distinguished international faculty with extensive experience in research and teaching worldwide.

The Emirates College for Educational Development stands as a beacon of educational excellence in the UAE, committed to nurturing future educators through innovative programs that blend practical education with academic rigor. By extending the registration deadline for its graduate diploma programs, the college aims to attract aspiring educators dedicated to advancing their professional careers and contributing to the transformative vision of education in the country.

The Emirates College for Educational Development's commitment to educational advancement and professional development in the UAE, inviting aspiring educators to embark on a journey of academic excellence and practical learning.

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Omar Abbas
Omar Abbas
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