UAE announces Summer Season Start Date

Omar Abbas - | Mix

The summer solstice of 2024 falls on June 21, which is the astronomical start of the summer season in the Emirates.

This information was released in a statement by Ibrahim Al-Jarwan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Astronomical Society and member of the Arab Union for Space and Astronomy. The sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer at this time, signaling the start of its southerly retreat towards the equator. The summer will last almost three months, ending on September 23 with the autumnal equinox.

Al-Jarwan highlighted several Arab sayings traditionally associated with the onset of summer. Among these is the popular adage, "There is no heat until after the end," suggesting that the true intensity of summer's heat emerges once the sun's perpendicular position wanes and daylight begins to shorten, typically after June 21 each year.

This period, extending through July and mid-August, is recognized among Arabs as the "Jamarat Al-Qaidh" season, characterized by heightened temperatures exacerbated by the rise of stars like "Gemini" and "Marzam."

In the Emirates, summertime highs normally dip between 26 and 29 degrees Celsius, while daytime highs usually range from 41 to 43 degrees Celsius. For the first part of the summer, the weather is usually dry; starting in mid-August, there is an increase in humidity.

This shift often coincides with the formation of hot air waves that can significantly elevate temperatures. Such anomalies can exceed normal averages by at least four degrees, occasionally reaching staggering highs of over 50 degrees Celsius in specific regions. These extreme heat waves are colloquially known as "Waghrat," encompassing phenomena like "Waghrat Al-Jawza" and "Waghrat Al-Marzam."

The summer season in the Emirates also witnesses the occasional occurrence of hot, dry "sumum" winds. These winds, coupled with active cumulus cloud formations over mountainous areas and their surroundings, contribute to localized thunderstorms, colloquially referred to as "smell" thunderstorms.

Beyond its astronomical and meteorological dimensions, summer holds cultural significance in the Emirates. It marks a time when communities draw on traditional knowledge to navigate and cope with the season's challenges. The transition from dry to humid weather, for instance, prompts adjustments in daily routines and agricultural practices.

People adapt by seeking shade during peak daylight hours and embracing cooler evening activities. This cultural adaptation reflects a deep-rooted understanding of seasonal changes and underscores the resilience of Emirati traditions in a modern context.

Environmental impacts and conservation efforts

The effects of summer on the ecosystem become more noticeable as temperatures increase and weather patterns change. While urban regions employ techniques to prevent heat islands and increase energy efficiency, desert ecosystems go through distinct adaptations to conserve water and tolerate intense heat.

Conservation efforts focus on preserving biodiversity and ensuring sustainable water management practices amidst seasonal fluctuations. This proactive approach aligns with global efforts to address climate change and underscores the Emirates' commitment to environmental stewardship.

Future Outlook and Scientific Advancements

ongoing research initiatives and technological advancements play a pivotal role in enhancing our understanding of summer phenomena in the Emirates. From satellite observations to climate modeling, scientists collaborate to predict weather patterns more accurately and develop resilient infrastructure.

These efforts contribute to safeguarding communities against climate-related risks and optimizing resource allocation during the summer months. By harnessing scientific knowledge and innovative solutions, the Emirates continues to navigate the complexities of summer with a forward-thinking approach.

Astronomical phenomena, customary practices, and natural processes are all interwoven as summer arrives in the Emirates. The statement highlights the region's rich cultural legacy and ability to adjust to changing seasons. The United Arab Emirates is dedicated to fostering a harmonious relationship between its people and the natural environment that extends beyond summer, even as temperatures rise and weather patterns change. This commitment includes supporting sustainability, maintaining cultural legacy, and increasing scientific understanding.

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Omar Abbas
Omar Abbas
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