Elmethaq | Latest News Page 2

Americans intend to watch CNN debate between Biden and Trump majority.
labiba - 2 days

A new survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research indicates that the majority of US adults plan to watch at least part of Thursday's presidential debate and that many believe the event will be significant for the...

"Leg Day Routine: Achieve Massive Thighs with This Intense Workout"
nada - 2 days

Achieving strong and well-defined thighs is a common fitness goal that not only enhances your physique but also boosts your overall strength and performance. A well-designed leg day routine can help you build massive thighs by targeting key muscle...

As Afghan opium production falls, the UN issues a warning about overdose deaths.
labiba - 2 days

According to a UN assessment released on Wednesday, the collapse of opium production in Afghanistan, which was once the world's leading supply, due to Taliban orders may increase the number of overdose deaths as heroin addicts move to synthetic...

Emirates Airlines reveals strides in reducing carbon emissions
Omar Abbas - 6 days

Emirates Airlines has reported significant reductions in fuel consumption and carbon emissions for the fiscal year 2023-2024, underscoring its commitment to environmentally friendly practices through its "Green Ops" initiative.

UAE: A cricket player died in tragic loss for this reason
Omar Abbas - 6 days

The unexpected passing of Mandeep Singh, described as a "fantastic all-rounder" and a cherished teammate, has sent shockwaves through the UAE cricket community.

UAE launches festivals celebrating arrival of the King of Fruits
Omar Abbas - 6 days

In the UAE, the arrival of mango season marks the commencement of vibrant festivals celebrating this revered fruit.

UAE: An Arab woman accuses her ex-husband of deliberate car misuse
Omar Abbas - 6 days

In a complex legal saga unfolding in Dubai, an Arab woman took her ex-husband to court, demanding that he transfer ownership of two cars registered under her name into his possession.

UAE starts summer with record-breaking 49.9 degree temperatures
Omar Abbas - 6 days

The UAE has seen blistering temperatures as summer arrives, with a high of 49.9 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year. On June 21, a heatwave hit Mezaira in Abu Dhabi, resulting in high temperatures by mid-afternoon.

UAE cautions against six flammable materials in vehicles during summer
Omar Abbas - 6 days

As temperatures rise during the summer months, ensuring vehicle safety becomes paramount.

UAE: KHDA inspections unveil 23 schools rated "outstanding"
Omar Abbas - 6 days

In 209 schools in Dubai, which together educate over 360,000 children, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) carried out inspections this year.

Quick and Simple Breakfast Burrito Recipe
nada - 6 days

A breakfast burrito is a versatile, satisfying, and nutritious way to start your day. It's perfect for busy mornings when you need a quick yet wholesome meal. This easy-to-make dish can be customized to suit various tastes and dietary...

Recipe for Peanut Butter and Ground Flax Seed Energy Bites
nada - 6 days

Energy bites have become a popular choice for those seeking a quick, nutritious, and delicious snack. These little powerhouses are perfect for busy lifestyles, offering a convenient source of energy and essential nutrients. Peanut butter and ground...

UAE Police cautions against swerving to ensure safety and avoid this penalty
Omar Abbas - 6 days

The "Your Commitment Means Safety" campaign, which was started by Ajman Police, exhorts drivers to follow lane regulations in order to avoid fines.

Avocado: A Unique Food That Won’t Make You Gain Weight
nada - 1 week

Avocado has earned its place as a popular superfood, praised for its rich flavor, creamy texture, and numerous health benefits. Often misunderstood due to its high fat content, avocado is actually a powerhouse of nutrients that can be part of a...

Your Age and Effective Weight Loss Strategies: A Personalized Approach
nada - 1 week

When it comes to weight loss, a one-size-fits-all strategy rarely works. As we age, our bodies undergo various physiological changes that affect metabolism, muscle mass, and fat distribution. Therefore, effective weight loss strategies must be...

Transform Your Kitchen with Low-Carb Recipes for Weight Loss
nada - 1 week

Low-carb diets have gained immense popularity for their effectiveness in weight loss and overall health benefits. If you're looking to shed pounds and embrace a healthier lifestyle, transforming your kitchen with a repertoire of low-carb recipes...

Return to the Mat: Expand Your Yoga Practice with Diverse Routines
nada - 1 week

Yoga, a timeless practice originating in ancient India, offers not just physical benefits but also mental and spiritual enrichment. Returning to the yoga mat with a fresh perspective and diverse routines can invigorate your practice, providing new...

Boiled Egg Diet: Mechanism, Outcomes, and Possible Side Effects"
nada - 1 week

The boiled egg diet is a popular eating plan that has gained traction for its simplicity and effectiveness in promoting weight loss. Central to the diet are eggs, a nutrient-dense food that provides protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and...

Exploring the Crash Diet: How to Shed 17 Pounds in Just 7 Days
nada - 1 week

In the pursuit of weight loss, many people are drawn to crash diets promising rapid results. However, such diets often sacrifice long-term health for short-term gains. Let's explore effective and sustainable strategies that promote healthy...

Abu Dhabi launches Comprehensive Pre-Marital Genetic Testing Initiative
Omar Abbas - 1 week

Three main premarital test kinds are offered by the Abu Dhabi Department of Health.

UAE Pilgrims Return Safely to Homeland After Completing Hajj
Omar Abbas - 1 week

The first batch of pilgrims from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) returned home yesterday, marking the conclusion of their Hajj pilgrimage.

Introductory Keto Meal Plan: A Simple Menu for Beginners
nada - 1 week

Embarking on a ketogenic (keto) diet can be an exciting journey towards achieving your health and weight loss goals. The keto diet is characterized by high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrate intake, typically under 50 grams per day....

Safely Achieving a 10-Pound Weight Loss in One Month
nada - 1 week

Losing weight is often a goal that requires dedication, discipline, and a well-structured plan. When aiming to lose 10 pounds in a month, it's essential to approach it with a focus on both diet and exercise, ensuring that the methods used are...

Exploring BMI: Deciphering Body Mass Index
nada - 1 week

Body Mass Index (BMI) serves as a fundamental tool in assessing weight-related health risks and guiding lifestyle choices. It provides a numerical indicator that helps individuals and healthcare professionals classify weight status based on height...

UAE: Drug Prevention Forum unveils Strategies to Prevent Child Drug Abuse
Omar Abbas - 1 week

Experts and security specialists have emphasized the significance of protective characteristics that lessen the possibility of abusing psychotropic and narcotic drugs.

Understanding the Distinction Between Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength
nada - 1 week

When it comes to fitness and exercise, terms like muscle hypertrophy and strength are often used interchangeably, but they actually represent distinct aspects of physical fitness. Understanding the differences between muscle hypertrophy and strength...

Can Taking Breaks from Your Diet Aid in Weight Loss?
nada - 1 week

In the quest for weight loss, strict adherence to a diet plan is often seen as the cornerstone of success. However, emerging research and discussions suggest that taking intentional breaks from dieting—known as "diet breaks"—might...

Starting Keto: An Introductory Guide to Ketogenic Dieting
nada - 1 week

The ketogenic diet, commonly known as keto, has emerged as a popular approach for weight loss and overall health improvement. This diet emphasizes high fat intake, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrates, aiming to shift the body's...

UAE Civil Defense announces initiatives for child drowning prevention
Omar Abbas - 1 week

Brigadier General Ali Obaid Al Tunaiji, Director of the Fujairah Civil Defense Department, underscores critical factors contributing to child drownings during the summer months.

Effective Diet Strategy: Achieve a 10-Pound Weight Loss in 10 Days!
nada - 1 week

Achieving a 10-pound weight loss in just 10 days is an ambitious goal that requires a disciplined and effective diet strategy. While rapid weight loss can be motivating, it's important to approach it with caution to ensure it's done safely...

UAE announces Summer Season Start Date
Omar Abbas - 1 week

The summer solstice of 2024 falls on June 21, which is the astronomical start of the summer season in the Emirates.

UAE Central Bank launches Digital Dirham to revolutionize financial landscape
Omar Abbas - 1 week

The Central Bank has revealed its plan to implement the "digital dirham," a step that will completely alter the banking and currency industries.

UAE reveals the registration deadline date for graduate diplomas in education
Omar Abbas - 1 week

The Emirates College for Educational Development has extended the registration deadline for its prestigious graduate diploma programs aimed at university graduates and education college alumni.

UAE launches New Measures to Stop Unwanted Marketing Calls and Protect Privacy
Omar Abbas - 1 week

The Communications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority has implemented steps to safeguard community members from the nuisance of unsolicited marketing calls.

UAE police caution against dangerous behaviors during Eid Al Adha
Omar Abbas - 1 week

The Abu Dhabi Police have issued a warning about ten hazardous and irresponsible behaviors that pose risks to children and young people, potentially disrupting the celebration of Eid Al Adha.

Specialist Suggests Shorter Individuals Face Challenges in Weight Loss
nada - 1 week

Losing weight can be a challenging journey for many individuals, but recent insights suggest that shorter individuals may face unique hurdles in achieving their weight loss goals. According to specialists in the field, height plays a significant role...

Five Nutritious Breakfast Smoothie Recipes for a Healthy Start
nada - 1 week

Smoothies are a fantastic way to kick-start your day with a burst of nutrition. Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, they offer a convenient and delicious option for a healthy breakfast. Whether you're rushing out the door or...

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Weight Loss Diet Plan
nada - 1 week

Creating an effective weight loss diet plan is essential for achieving your health and fitness goals. However, many people fall into common traps that can hinder progress or even lead to weight gain instead of loss. By understanding and avoiding...

Mediterranean Diet: Your 7-Day Culinary Blueprint
nada - 1 week

The ancient eating practices of the nations that border the Mediterranean Sea served as the inspiration for the Mediterranean diet, which has long been praised for its many health advantages. It seems sense that a diet high in fruits, vegetables,...

Daily Coffee Consumption: A Simple Step to Support Weight Loss
nada - 1 week

Coffee, a beloved beverage enjoyed worldwide, has garnered attention not only for its rich flavor and aroma but also for its potential health benefits, including supporting weight loss efforts. While moderation is key, incorporating coffee into your...